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Renters and first-time homebuyers may qualify for special savings when purchasing a home through a Hashem Realty agent. Learn how we may save you  thousands of dollars on your home purchase,

* Includes new home sale purchases through a new home builder.




Residential Home Sales

Whether you are a first-time homebuyer interested in learning more about the buying process or just looking to upsize or downsize from your current home, we have the tools and resources to help you start your search.

Grow Your Investment Portfolio

We specialize in helping investors find the right properties to grow their Real Estate investment portfolio.  Whether you are just starting out or are a seasoned Real Estate Investor, we have the tools and experience to help you acquire income-producing property.


Residential and Commercial Leasing
We are the area's tenant placement experts!  Our Leasing service has less than a 1% eviction rate and is finding well-qualified tenants within 25 days.  We assist tenants find Residential and Commercial space; as well as, help Landlord's find the right Tenants for their property.

​Join our Team!

Do you have a background, passion, or interest in Real Estate? Join one of the DC metro and Texas' fastest and most progressive Real Estate Agencies.  Our company stands for putting our Clients and Agents first.  Click on the careers tab to check our current job openings.

Email phishing & scams are targeting the real estate industry. Company wiring instructions are only sent via encrypted email requiring a login and password. If you receive an email either directly or forwarded, containing wiring instructions or a request that you provide nonpublic personal information, DO NOT RESPOND to the email. PLEASE CONTACT OUR OFFICE TO VERBALLY VERIFY THE REQUEST. Make sure to call our office using previously verified contact information, and don’t call any numbers listed in the email.

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